Collection: Donate

If you’d like to support The Aunties and the work Jackie does, we’d love to hear from you. Here are the ways you can do that:

You can put money directly into our bank accounts.

We invite people to subscribe so that we have a consistent and sustainable funding base. If you are interested and would like to contribute our bank account details are:

The Aunties

You can do this as a one off or as a regular AP – these donations are tax deductible. If you would like a receipt, please email our treasurer at

You can set up a regular payment through your payroll

Click on the link below to download the form for your employer and you can decide how much and how often you’d like to donate. Because we’re a registered charity, donations are tax deductible, so we’re all winning.

Download and print the payroll giving form.

You can donate to our Give-A-Little page

You can do this here.

Please note that we don’t get this money until the 20th of the following month.

If you would like a receipt, please email our treasurer at